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Providing information relating to safety and health

keyboardUseful Information relating to safety and health is collected from countries worldwide through monthly magazines, the Internet or collaborators (information researchers) and translated for publication on our website. In addition, information owned by the Japanese government or companies related to industrial safety and health is also provided in English on this website for overseas users.

The contents of information addressed to domestic users include the outline of organization and policies/measures of international organizations and administrative agencies in various countries; laws and regulations relating to safety and health, labor standards, or workmen's accident compensation insurance; the incidence of industrial accidents; an outline of the organization and activities of safety and health related organizations; topics and linked URLs to facilitate the collection of further information. For overseas users, information is offered concerning the organization and policies/measures of Japanese government ministries and agencies; an outline of laws and regulations relating to industrial safety and health; the incidence of industrial accidents, industrial accident cases; introductions of safety and health-related organizations; and other relevant topics.

JICOSH also maintains a library where books and magazines related to safety and health are collected from domestic and overseas sources. Users can search for the necessary information on books and videos via the Internet and visitors to the library can search and view videos related to safety and health in Japanese and English. These systems are also used in safety and health seminars. Consulting is also provided on an individual basis to companies concerning overseas safety and health issues.
