Fatal occupational injuries per 100'000 workers in ILOSTAT (2009-2020)

Fatal occupational injuries per 100'000 workers by total of economic activity in ILOSTAT (2009-2020)

Hong Kong, China67777766.8    Hong Kong, China
Japan       2221.41.3Japan
Korea, Republic of, Republic of
Malaysia         3.1  Malaysia
New Caledonia   0000     New Caledonia
New Zealand   2.5  2.3     New Zealand
Philippines  4.4 6.4 3.8 9.6   Philippines
Sri Lanka     0.910.80.81.310.8Sri Lanka
Thailand7.57.6        5.55.3Thailand
Argentina10.610.9          Argentina
Barbados       0.8    Barbados
Belize  4.56.7        Belize
Brazil  7.4         Brazil
Chile6.9           Chile
Colombia  56.48.9 18 0   Colombia
Cuba2325          Cuba
El Salvador0.20.1          El Salvador
French Guiana     0      French Guiana
Guadeloupe     6.8      Guadeloupe
Mexico101010.     Mexico
Panama 7.91.4 Panama
United States3.  United States
Uruguay         3.7  Uruguay
Armenia    1.9    13.64.4 Armenia
Austria4.84.433.    Austria
Azerbaijan       44343Azerbaijan
Belarus Belarus
Belgium2.     Belgium
Bulgaria3.    Bulgaria
Croatia2.    Croatia
Cyprus2.   4.5Cyprus
Czechia2.    Czechia
Denmark1.     Denmark
Estonia3.    Estonia
Finland1.     Finland
France2.     France
Germany1.     Germany
Greece0.    Greece
Hungary2.   1.4Hungary
Iceland  000       Iceland
Ireland22.     Ireland
Israel   2.1
Italy33.     Italy
Kazakhstan7.57.6  5.9 5 4.8   Kazakhstan
Kyrgyzstan    6 4.1     Kyrgyzstan
Latvia3.     Latvia
Lithuania4.344.    Lithuania
Luxembourg1.     Luxembourg
Malta51.    Malta
Moldova, Republic of, Republic of
Netherlands1.     Netherlands
Norway1.     Norway
Poland4.     Poland
Portugal4.     Portugal
Romania4.   2.9Romania
Slovakia1.921.    Slovakia
Slovenia2.     Slovenia
Spain2.    Spain
Sweden11.21.310.80.90.71    Sweden
Switzerland1.     Switzerland
Turkey11.913.314.    Turkey
Ukraine    54.344.
United Kingdom0.     United Kingdom
Uzbekistan      98 810 Uzbekistan
Bahrain           0.6Bahrain
Occupied Palestinian Territory      38.4    1Occupied Palestinian Territory
Egypt  1311.6 11.210.7     Egypt
Mauritius           0Mauritius
Reunion     2.3      Reunion
Seychelles         4.8  Seychelles
Zimbabwe  8.59.5        Zimbabwe

Data Source: ILOSTAT, ILO
https://ilostat.ilo.org/Another window opens
Fatal occupational injuries per 100'000 workers by economic activity
Downloaded from ILOSTAT. Last update on 28NOV21.
Data are total of economic activity.
Data are sorted by area and abc order.

Fatal occupational injuries per 100'000 workers by total of sex and migrant status in ILOSTAT (2009-2020)

Australia2.72221.71.61.7 1.6   Australia
Hong Kong, China6777776     Hong Kong, China
Korea, Republic of8., Republic of
Macau, China2.    Macau, China
Malaysia  965 5 3.8   Malaysia
Myanmar8. Myanmar
New Caledonia   41157     New Caledonia
New Zealand   2.5        New Zealand
Philippines4 4.4 6.4       Philippines
Singapore2.     Singapore
Sri Lanka     0.910.80.81.311Sri Lanka
Thailand7.      Thailand
Argentina10.610.97.76.8  Argentina
Belize  4.56.7        Belize
Brazil  7.4         Brazil
Canada2.12.22.1 22      Canada
Chile6.9 5.565.1   3.43.1  Chile
Colombia  43.55418     Colombia
Costa Rica10.59.310.    Costa Rica
Cuba2325          Cuba
El Salvador0.20.1          El Salvador
French Guiana     0      French Guiana
Guadeloupe     6.8      Guadeloupe
Mexico101010.   Mexico
Nicaragua7.68          Nicaragua
Panama 4    Panama
United States3. United States
Uruguay         3.7  Uruguay
Armenia    1.9    13.64.4 Armenia
Austria4.84.533.    Austria
Azerbaijan       4434 Azerbaijan
Belarus4. Belarus
Belgium2.     Belgium
Bulgaria3.     Bulgaria
Croatia2.42.7    Croatia
Cyprus2.    3.8Cyprus
Czechia2.     Czechia
Denmark1.     Denmark
Estonia3.    Estonia
Finland1.     Finland
France2.     France
Georgia          2.26Georgia
Germany1.     Germany
Greece0.    Greece
Hungary2.   1.4Hungary
Ireland2.     Ireland
Italy332.     Italy
Kazakhstan7.57.6  5.9 5 4.3   Kazakhstan
Kyrgyzstan    6 4.1     Kyrgyzstan
Latvia3.     Latvia
Lithuania4.444.     Lithuania
Luxembourg1.51.533.     Luxembourg
Malta54.     Malta
Moldova, Republic of4.96.6, Republic of
Netherlands1.     Netherlands
Norway1.     Norway
Poland4.     Poland
Portugal4.     Portugal
Romania4.    Romania
Slovakia1.    Slovakia
Slovenia2.732.     Slovenia
Spain2.    Spain
Sweden10.91.310.80.90.71    Sweden
Switzerland1.     Switzerland
Turkey11.913.314.    Turkey
United Kingdom0.     United Kingdom
Uzbekistan12.610.910.610.61111.2 88810 Uzbekistan
Bahrain           0.6Bahrain
Occupied Palestinian Territory      38.4    1Occupied Palestinian Territory
Qatar       1.7 5.9  Qatar
Egypt  1311.6 11.2      Egypt
Mauritius         0.5 0Mauritius
Reunion     2.3      Reunion
Zimbabwe  8.59.5        Zimbabwe

Data Source: ILOSTAT, ILO
https://ilostat.ilo.org/Another window opens
Fatal occupational injuries per 100'000 workers by sex and migrant status
Downloaded from ILOSTAT. Last update on 28NOV21.
Data are total of sex and migrant status.
Data are sorted by area and abc order.

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