Fig.2 Number of work-related diseases by disease classification (2010)
Survey of work-related diseases by MHLW
The numbers of pneumoconiosis and its complications are cases decided as category IV of pneumoconiosis control and as complication (including the decided cases applied by persons who engaged in dusty work)
Fig.3-1 Change in number of work-related diseases by disease classification (Diseases caused by injuries)
Fig.3-2 Change in number of work-related diseases by disease classification(Other than diseases caused by injuries)
Survey of work-related diseases by MHLW
The numbers of pneumoconiosis and its complications are cases decided as category IV of the pneumoconiosis control and as complication (including the decided cases applied by persons who engaged in dusty work)
Fig.5 Change in number of decided cases of workers' accident compensation insurance benefits for lung cancer and mesothelioma caused by asbestos (1998-2010)
Survey by the Office of Occupational Diseases Recognition, MHLW
Note 1:
The number of decided cases is not limited to those claimed in the said fiscal year.
Note 2:
The number does not include special survivor benefit.
Fig.7 Change in number of decided cases of workers' accident compensation insurance benefit for brain/heart diseases, overwork deaths and mental disorders, etc.
Survey by the Office of the Occupational Diseases Recognition, MHLW