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  • Accident classification of OSH statistics in Japan

Accident classification of OSH statistics in Japan

Type of accident classification of OSH statistics in Japan

code Type of accident
1fall from height
2falling to same level
4struck by flying or falling object
6crashed by
7caught in/between
9injury to the sole of the foot
11contact to high/low-temperature
12contact to harmful substance
13electric shock
17traffic accident (public road)
18traffic accident (others)
19reaction to motion/improper motion
OSH Statistics in Japan

Industrial classification of OSH statistics in Japan (Large, Medium and Small industry)

Large code Large industry Midium code Midium industry Small code Small industry
01manufacturing0101food products010101meat/dairy products
010102fishery products
010103agricultural food products
010104bread/cake products
010105alcoholic drinks
010106soft drinks
010109other foods
0102textile products010201silk-reeling
010209other textile products
0103fiber products010301over/under wear
010309other fiber products
0104wood products010401lumbering
010409other lumber and wood products
0105furniture010501wood furniture
010502metal furniture
010509other furniture
0106pulp/paper processing products 010601pulp/paper
010602paper processing products
010609other pulp/paper processing products
0107printing/bookbinding010701printing service
010709other printing and bookbinding
0108chemical products010801non organic or organic chemical products
010802chemical fiber
010804petroleum/coal products
010805plastics products
010806rubber products
010807leather products
010808painting products
010809chemical fertilizer products
010899other chemical products
0109sand and stone products010901cement products
010902glass products
010903pottery products
010904fire resisting products
010905other ceramic products
010909other sand and stone products
0110steel making011001steel/iron/rolling products
011002casting products
011009other steel products
0111nonferrous metal making011101nonferrous metals/rolling products
011102nonferrous metals casting products
011109other nonferrous metal products
0112metal products011201western tableware/cutting tool products
011202screw products
011203metal press products
011204metal plating products
011209other metal products
0113machine products011301machine products
011302measuring instruments
011303optical instruments
011304watch products
011305other precision machine products
0114electrical equipment products011401heavy electrical equipment
011402electrical appliance
011403electronics equipment and telecommunications apparatus
011409other electrical equipment
0115transport equipment products011501ship building
011502auto mobile products
011503railway vehicle products
011509other transport equipment products
0116electric/gas/water service011601electric utility service
011602city gas service
011603city water service
011609other electric/gas/water service
0117other manufacturing011701auto mobile servicing
011702machine repair
011704tobacco products
011709other manufacturing
02mining0201coal mining020101general coal mining
020109other coal mining
020202gravel digging
020209other quarrying
0203other mining020301metal mining
020302petroleum mining
020309other mining
03construction0301civil engineering work030101hydroelectric plant construction work
030102tunnel construction work
030103subway construction work
030104railway construction work
030105bridge construction work
030106road construction work
030107river civil engineering work
030108sand collapse prevention civil engineering work
030109land consolidation civil engineering work
030110water supply/sewage construction work
030111port/seaside construction work
030199other civil engineering work
0302construction work030201steel frame/reinforced concrete house construction work
030202wooden house construction work
030203building facility construction work
030209other building construction work
0303other construction works030301electricity/telecommunication work
030302machinery/apparatus setting work
030309other construction works
04transportation service0401railroad/water transportation/airline service040101railroad service
040102water transportation service
040103airline service
0402road passenger transport service040201taxi service
040202bus service
040209other passenger transport service
0403road cargo transportation service040301general truck transportation service
040302specific truck transportation service
040303cargo/ light automobile transportation service
040309other land cargo transportation service
0404other transportation service040409other transportation service
05cargo handling service0501land cargo handling service050101land cargo handling service
0502harbor transportation service050201general harbor transportation service
050202port cargo handling service
050209other harbor transportation service
060209other forestry
070209other fishery
08commerce0801wholesale080101all kinds of wholesale
080102furniture/fittings wholesale
080109other wholesale
0802retail080201all kinds of retail
080202auto mobile retail
080203furniture/fittings retail
080204fuel retail
080205newspaper retail
080209other retails
0803haircut/beauty salon080301haircut
080302beauty salon
0804other commerce080401warehousing
080409other commerce
09financial business/advertisement0901financial business090101banking/trust business
090102stock/commodity trade business
090103insurance business
090109other financial business
0902advertisement and mediator090201traveling service
090209other advertisement and mediator
10movie/play service1001movie/play service100101movie production and delivery service
100102movie theatre
100109other movie/play service
11telecommunication service1101telecommunication service110101telecommunication service
12education/research service1201education/research service120101auto mobile practical training
120102software service
120109other education/research service
13health and hygiene service1301medical treatment service130101hospital
130102general clinic
130109other medical treatment service
1302social welfare facility130201social welfare facility
1303other health and hygiene service130301bathhouse
130309other health and hygiene service
14hotel/restaurant/amusement service1401hotel140101hotel
1402restaurant140201general restaurant
140209other restaurants
1403other amusement service140301golf course
140302park and amusement park
140309other amusement service
15commercial cleaning and livestock process1501commercial cleaning and livestock process150101building maintenance service
150102industrial waste management service
150103other waste disposal service
150105livestock process service
150109other cleaning and livestock process service
16public office1601public office160101public office
17others1701dispatch service170101dispatch service
1702others170201security service
170202information processing service
OSH Statistics in Japan

Relation between International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) and Japanese OSH industries

ISIC Code International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) Japanese small industry code Japanese small industry Fatal Fatal & non-fatal Non-Fatal ILO non-fatal of Japan ILO fatal of Japan
AAgriculture, forestry and fishing060101agriculture171,5351,5184,46972
060209other forestry10451441
070209other fishery1151150
150105livestock process service04646
BMining and quarrying020101general coal mining0001918
020109other coal mining000
020202gravel digging26260
020209other quarrying099
020301metal mining011
020302petroleum mining000
020309other mining099
CManufacturing010101meat/dairy products199699524,222125
010102fishery products41,000996
010103agricultural food products 0379379
010104bread/cake products21,1201,118
010105alcoholic drinks0108108
010106soft drinks2105103
010109other foods 44,2504,246
010209other textile products1159158
010301over/under wear0131131
010309other fiber products0141141
010409other lumber and wood products2453451
010501wood furniture0194194
010502metal furniture03232
010509other furniture09595
010602paper processing products4448444
010609other pulp/paper processing products 0114114
010701printing service0374374
010709other printing and bookbinding26664
010801non organic or organic chemical products1211210
010802chemical fiber11817
010804petroleum/coal products05656
010805plastics products6861855
010806rubber products1240239
010807leather products03232
010808painting products04141
010809chemical fertilizer products04040
010899other chemical products1338337
010901cement products7677670
010902glass products19796
010903pottery products05353
010904fire resisting products01818
010905other ceramic products03030
010909other sand and stone products2299297
011001steel/iron/rolling products5171166
011002casting products1256255
011009other steel products1178177
011101nonferrous metals/rolling products0108108
011102nonferrous metals casting products18584
011109other nonferrous metal products0117117
011201western tableware/cutting tool products04242
011202screw products04141
011203metal press products3353350
011204metal plating products0162162
011209other metal products143,1573,143
011301machine products121,2901,278
011302measuring instruments13231
011303optical instruments04343
011304watch products044
011305other precision machine products0163163
011401heavy electrical equipment1104103
011402electrical appliance09898
011403electronics equipment and telecommunications apparatus2342340
011409other electrical equipment2428426
011501ship building16457441
011502auto mobile products5976971
011503railway vehicle products05151
011509other transport equipment products1233232
011702machine repair4207203
011704tobacco products088
011709other manufacturing4905901
DElectricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply011601electric utility service268661272
011602city gas service05050
011609other electric/gas/water service01111
EWater supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities011603city water service253512,58739
150102industrial waste management service261,5021,476
150103other waste disposal service111,0711,060
FConstruction030101hydroelectric plant construction work0232314,719258
030102tunnel construction work78679
030103subway construction work154
030104railway construction work49288
030105bridge construction work9130121
030106road construction work18747729
030107river civil engineering work8215207
030108sand collapse prevention civil engineering work47672
030109land consolidation civil engineering work5298293
030110water supply/sewage construction work12268256
030111port/seaside construction work39794
030199other civil engineering work311,9261,895
030201steel frame/reinforced concrete house construction work342,1102,076
030202wooden house construction work202,1172,097
030203building facility construction work7697690
030209other building construction work413,2703,229
030301electricity/telecommunication work15573558
030302machinery/apparatus setting work12495483
030309other construction works271,7521,725
GWholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles011701auto mobile servicing558658118,67273
080101all kinds of wholesale0118118
080102furniture/fittings wholesale05050
080109other wholesale162,6502,634
080201all kinds of retail01,8871,887
080202auto mobile retail2344342
080203furniture/fittings retail0172172
080204fuel retail5469464
080205newspaper retail242,0151,991
080209other retails2110,45410,433
HTransportation and storage040101railroad service533132619,432104
040102water transportation service16160
040103airline service09191
040201taxi service41,3891,385
040202bus service2724722
040209other passenger transport service04343
040301general truck transportation service7313,29213,219
040302specific truck transportation service3429426
040303cargo/ light automobile transportation service2116114
040309other land cargo transportation service0316316
040409other transportation service06767
050101land cargo handling service91,6621,653
050201general harbor transportation service05858
050202port cargo handling service3245242
050209other harbor transportation service12726
IAccommodation and food service activities140101hotel11,3151,3146,2617
140201general restaurant64,5494,543
140209other restaurants0404404
JInformation and communication080409other commerce51,1421,1373,65310
100101movie production and delivery service11918
100102movie theatre088
110101telecommunication service42,3622,358
120102software service02828
170202information processing service0104104
KFinancial and insurance activities090101banking/trust business02322329804
090102stock/commodity trade business01111
090103insurance business3697694
090109other financial business14443
LReal estate activities00000
MProfessional, scientific and technical activities090209other advertisement and mediator01751751750
NAdministrative and support service activities090201traveling service026266,19644
150101building maintenance service83,3993,391
150109other cleaning and livestock process service3763760
170101dispatch service5260255
170201security service281,7921,764
OPublic administration and defense; compulsory social security160101public office01121121120
PEducation120101auto mobile practical training079791,2754
120109other education/research service41,2001,196
QHuman health and social work activities130101hospital45,8425,83820,15711
130102general clinic0441441
130109other medical treatment service0497497
130201social welfare facility713,26713,260
130309other health and hygiene service0121121
RArts, entertainment and recreation100109other movie/play service049492,0176
140301golf course5879874
140302park and amusement park0199199
140309other amusement service1896895
SOther service activities011703cleaning25605585,10935
080302beauty salon0152152
150104cremation service000
TActivities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services producing activities of households for own use00000
UActivities of extra-territorial organizations and bodies000
XNot classifiable by economic activity000
The relation between International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) and the Japanese OSH industries was analogized by JISHA from the 2000 year's ILO OSH statistics.
Non-fatal injuries are calculated from fatal and non-fatal injuries and fatal injuries.
Japanese OSH statistics are available on
https://anzeninfo.mhlw.go.jp/user/anzen/tok/anst00.htmAnother window opens.
ILO OSH statistics are available on https://ilostat.ilo.org/Another window opens.

Main industry of OSH statistics in Japan

industry code of industry
manufacturing01 manufacturing
mining02 mining
construction03 construction
communication/transportation servicetotal of 0401 railroad/water transportation/airline service, 0402 road passenger transport service and 0404 other transportation service
land cargo transportation servicetotal of 0403 road cargo transportation service and 0501 land cargo handling service
harbor transportation service0502 harbor transportation service
forestry0602 forestry
agriculture and livestock/fisherytotal of 0601 agriculture and 07 livestock/fishery
tertiary industrytotal of large industries from 08 to 17

Causal agent classification of OSH statistics in Japan (Large, Medium and Small causal agent)

L code Large causal agent M code Medium causal agent S code Small causal agent
12power transmission mechanism121power transmission mechanism
13woodworking machine131circular sawing machine
132band sawing machine
133wood planer machine
134hollow chisel mortiser, wood borer
135chamfering machine, router, woodworking milling machine
136chain saw
139other woodworking machines
14construction machine141leveling, transporting or loading machine
142excavating machine
143foundation work machine
144hardening machine
145demolition machine
146vehicle for high lift work
149other construction machines
15metal manufacturing machine151lathe
152drill press, milling machine
153grinding machine, buffing machine
154power press
155forging pressure hammer
156shearing machine
159other metal manufacturing machines
16general machine161centrifugal machine
162mixer, grinder
163roll machine (except printingroll machine)
164injection molding machine
165food manufacturing machine
166printing machine
167industrial robot
169other general power machines
17mobile silviculture machine171felling machine
172mobile logging machine
173skyline yarding machine
179other mobile silviculture machine
2crane, conveying machine21crane211crane
212mobile crane
213derrick crane
214elevator, lift
215cargo lifting appliance
217lumberyard equipment, logging cableway
218simple skyline yarding equipment
219other powered crane
22conveying machine221truck
223railway equipment
226straddle carrier
227rough terrain hauler
229other powered conveying machines
23vehicle231cars, bus, motorcycle
232railway vehicle
239other vehicles
3other equipment31pressure vessel311boiler
312pressure vessel
319other pressure vessels
32chemical facilities321chemical facilities
33welding equipment331gas welding equipment
332arc welding equipment
339other welding equipment
34kiln, caldron341kiln, caldron
342industrial dryer
349other kiln, caldron
35electric equipment351transmission
352electric power facilities
359other electrical equipment
36human power machine, tools361human power cranes
362human power hauling equipment
363human power machine
364hand tool
372slinging tool
379other tools
39other equipments, facilities391other equipments, facilities
4temporary buildings, establishments41temporary buildings, establishments411scaffolding
413stairs, landing stage
415roof, beam, haze, crossbeam, principal rafter
416working platform, boot board
418building, establishment
419other temporary buildings, establishments
5substance, material51hazards, harmful substances511explosive substance
512inflammable substance
513inflammable gas
514harmful substance
519other hazards, harmful substances
52materials521metal material
522lumber, bamboo
523stone, sand, substance
529other materials
612machine/equipment as load
7environment71natural environment711natural ground, rock
712standing tree
714abnormal environment
715high/cold temperature environment
719other environments
9others91other causal agent911other causal agent
92no causal agent921no causal agent
OSH Statistics in Japan


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