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JICOSH Home > Case Studies > Case No.11
Case No.11

Fall into an opening while unloading steel rods from the cargo bed of a truck at a subway construction site

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[Circumstances of Incident]

The accident occurred while unloading steel rods that had been delivered as construction materials to a subway construction site.

The victim worked for a company that was engaged in delivering steel rods from the parent company's rod processing plant to the construction site. The victim had gone to the parent company's rod processing plant the day before the accident to load the steel rods onto a truck equipped with hoist, and arrived at the subway construction site where the accident occurred at around 8:30 AM on the day of the accident.

After arriving at the site, the victim backed up the truck so that it came to rest up against the fall-prevention guard installed at the opening of the cargo off-loading site. The unloading work was to be jointly carried out with an employee working for the steel rod subcontractor. Work was started with the employee of the steel rod subcontractor operating the bridge-crane used for moving materials into and out of the site.

After working through the morning, the workers continued to carry out this work in the afternoon. At about 14:00 when the victim put his right foot on the fall-prevention guard at the opening (against which the rear end of the truck had come to rest), he slipped and fell through the opening, falling to his death some 10 meters below.


The following can be cited as the causes of this accident.

1 Only a small space was provided for material deliveries.
2 Fall prevention measures at the opening were not sufficient.
3 The command and instruction system for the work was unclear.
4 Overall safety management was not adequate.

[Type of business] Land cargo transportation
[Type of accident]Fall
[Number of victims] One fatality