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JICOSH Home > Case Studies > Case No.54
Case No.54

Fatality caused by landslide while digging a sewer trench

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[Description of the Accident]

This accident (landslide) occurred during trenching work to install sewers. As part of the preparation work for a housing site, the trench was being excavated to install branch lines to the existing main sanitary sewer.

A drag shovel was used to dig the trench to install branch lines. Around 2:45 in the afternoon, the victim entered the trench (about 3m in length ´ 2m in width ´ 2.7m in depth) to remove soil from the main sewer by shovel. The trench wall collapsed and buried the victim beneath a pile of soil (2.5m in length ´ 1.3m in width ´ 2.7m in depth).

[Causes supposed]

1. The trench wall was cut almost vertically.

2. Measures to prevent landslides had not been taken.

3. Pressure was applied to the top of the trench where the excavated soil was piled.

4. Vibration caused by using a drag shovel loosened the soil, making it prone to collapse.

5. No excavation operations chief was appointed.

6. A work plan had not been prepared.

[Type of business] Waterworks and sewerage construction
[Caused by] Natural ground, soil
[Type of accident] Collapse
[Number of fatalities] One fatality
