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JICOSH Home > Case Studies > Case No.79
Case No.79

Fall from the second-floor ceiling beam during the construction of a new wooden house

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[Description of the Accident]

This accident occurred during the construction of a new two-story wooden house.

The work procedures on the day of the accident involved working on the ground to insert pillars into the floor joists, which were then lifted by a mobile crane. Three workers were engaged in this assembly work on the ground, and the victim and two coworkers carried out the elevated assembly work. The framing for the second-floor ceiling was completed in the morning.

After the lunch break, work was resumed with the same assignments as those in the morning. The victim was on a scaffolding boards that was stretched over a second-floor ceiling beam, and suddenly fell onto the first-floor concrete foundation.

[Presumed causes]

1. The scaffolding board was not fixed.

2. No enclosures, protective netting, etc., to prevent falls from the scaffolding board that was used as the working platform had been installed. The victim was not using a safety belt.

3. No operations chief of erection etc. of wooden building had been appointed.

4. While the victim had been newly employed on the day of the accident, no new entrant education, etc., had been provided at the site.

[Type of business] Construction work
[Causal object] Working platform, scaffolding plank
[Type of accident] Fall
[Number of victims] One fatality