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JICOSH Home > Statistics > 3. Serious Accidents
3. Serious Accidents

(1) Trends in Serious Occupational Accidents

  The number of serious occupational accidents (accidents that involved three or more people at the same time ) peaked at 480 in 1968, and then followed a downward trend. However since 1985, there has been an increase in such accidents.
  The year 2002 witnessed 231 serious occupational accidents. This was an increase of six cases or 2.7% from the previous year. A total of 1,151 workers were killed or injured in those ascendents, an increase of 31 people or 2.8%. The number of deaths was 91, a decrease of 28 or 23.5%.
  By industry, the construction industry ranked top in the number of serious occupational accidents with 82 cases, followed by manufacturing at 45. These two industries accounted for about 55% of all serious accidents.

Fig. 20 Trends in the Number of Serious Accidents by Industry

