• Video of 100 Years Since "Safety First" in Japan, Transmitting Safety Consciousness to the Future (English & Arabic Versions) were developed.

Video of 100 Years Since "Safety First" in Japan, Transmitting Safety Consciousness to the Future (English & Arabic Versions) were developed.

Video of 100 Years Since "Safety First" in Japan, Transmitting Safety Consciousness to the Future (English & Arabic Versions) were developed by JICA and JISHA, etc. These videos were uploaded in JICA-NET Library.
You Tube (EnglishAnother window opensArabicAnother window opens)

OSH Multilingual Teaching MaterialAnother window opens

全ての働く人々に安全・健康を 〜Safe Work , Safe Life〜

〒108-0014 東京都港区芝5-35-2 安全衛生総合会館

  • 厚生労働省
  • 安全衛生マネジメントシステム審査センター
  • 安全衛生情報センター