The information collected by the JICOSH , the former international center of JISHA, is available here, though it has not been updated:
外国人建設就労者向け安全衛生視聴覚教材 | Occupational safety and health audiovisual teaching materials for foreign construction workers | This page was translated by JISHA from below Japanese language site. | |||
〜作業ごとの安全衛生対策のポイント〜 | Points of safety and health measures for each work | | |||
Ⅰ.一般的な事項 | I. General matters | C:中文 V:Tiếng Việt I:Bahasa Indonesia E:English |
C | V | I | E | ||
作業服装 | Work clothes | Chinese (1min.38sec.) |
Vietnamese (1min.59sec.) |
Indonesian (1min.26sec.) |
English (1min.36sec.) |
整理整頓 | Keeping things tidy and in order | Chinese (1min.58sec.) |
Vietnamese (2min.17sec.) |
Indonesian (2min.10sec.) |
English (1min.51sec.) |
安全通路 | Safe passageway | Chinese (1min.54sec.) |
Vietnamese (2min.12sec.) |
Indonesian (1min.41sec.) |
English (1min.46sec.) |
事務所 休憩所 | Office & rest area | Chinese (1min.50sec.) |
Vietnamese (2min.07sec.) |
Indonesian (1min.41sec.) |
English (1min.46sec.) |
寄宿舎 | Dormitory | Chinese (2min.06sec.) |
Vietnamese (2min.29sec.) |
Indonesian (2min.06sec.) |
English (2min.11sec.) |
防火設備 | Fire-prevention equipment | Chinese (1min.25sec.) |
Vietnamese (1min.43sec.) |
Indonesian (1min.23sec.) |
English (1min.29sec.) |
安全施工サイクル | Safety work cycle | Chinese (1min.44sec.) |
Vietnamese (1min.57sec.) |
Indonesian (1min.42sec.) |
English (1min.42sec.) |
安全標識 | Safety signs | Chinese (11min.05sec.) |
Vietnamese (9min.28sec.) |
Indonesian (10min.27sec.) |
English (10min.41sec.) |
災害発生の場合 | Accidents | Chinese (1min.50sec.) |
Vietnamese (1min.42sec.) |
Indonesian (1min.45sec.) |
English (1min.51sec.) |
Ⅱ.高所作業等での留意点 | II. Points to remember in working at heights | ||||
C | V | I | E | ||
作業床 | Working platform | Chinese (2min.28sec.) |
Vietnamese (3min.04sec.) |
Indonesian (2min.25sec.) |
English (2min.28sec.) |
開口部 | Openings | Chinese (1min.54sec.) |
Vietnamese (2min.18sec.) |
Indonesian (1min.48sec.) |
English (1min.51sec.) |
開口部付近作業 | Working around openings | Chinese (2min.25sec.) |
Vietnamese (2min.52sec.) |
Indonesian (2min.14sec.) |
English (2min.20sec.) |
移動はしご | Moveable ladders | Chinese (2min.48sec.) |
Vietnamese (3min.17sec.) |
Indonesian (2min.36sec.) |
English (2min.45sec.) |
ローリングタワー | Rolling towers | Chinese (2min.07sec.) |
Vietnamese (2min.41sec.) |
Indonesian (2min.08sec.) |
English (2min.06sec.) |
高所作業車 | Boom lifts | Chinese (1min.42sec.) |
Vietnamese (2min.14sec.) |
Indonesian (1min.43sec.) |
English (1min.40sec.) |
枠組み足場(上部) | Framework scaffolding (upper section) | Chinese (2min.16sec.) |
Vietnamese (2min.47sec.) |
Indonesian (2min.15sec.) |
English (2min.09sec.) |
枠組み足場(下部) | Framework scaffold (base section) | Chinese (2min.09sec.) |
Vietnamese (2min.15sec.) |
Indonesian (2min.04sec.) |
English (2min.05sec.) |
枠組み足場の組立・解体作業 | Assembling and dismantling of framework scaffolding | Chinese (2min.35sec.) |
Vietnamese (2min.54sec.) |
Indonesian (2min.29sec.) |
English (2min.33sec.) |
鉄骨建て方作業 | Steel frame erection | Chinese (2min.09sec.) |
Vietnamese (2min.34sec.) |
Indonesian (2min.09sec.) |
English (2min.08sec.) |
外壁PC板取り付け作業 | Installing precast concrete exterior wall panels | Chinese (1min.41sec.) |
Vietnamese (2min.03sec.) |
Indonesian (1min.36sec.) |
English (1min.39sec.) |
スレート屋根作業 | Slate roof work | Chinese (1min.54sec.) |
Vietnamese (2min.13sec.) |
Indonesian (1min.46sec.) |
English (1min.51sec.) |
安全帯の使い方 | Using safety belts | Chinese (2min.49sec.) |
Vietnamese (3min.09sec.) |
Indonesian (2min.38sec.) |
English (2min.47sec.) |
Ⅲ.倒壊・崩壊の防止 | III. Prevention of collapse | ||||
C | V | I | E | ||
土止め支保工 | Shoring work | Chinese (2min.49sec.) |
Vietnamese (3min.13sec.) |
Indonesian (2min.52sec.) |
English (2min.41sec.) |
Ⅳ.建設機械・クレーン等の作業での留意点 | IV. Points to remember in working with construction machines, cranes, etc. | ||||
C | V | I | E | ||
車両系建設機械作業 | Working with construction vehicles | Chinese (2min.10sec.) |
Vietnamese (2min.45sec.) |
Indonesian (2min.25sec.) |
English (2min.15sec.) |
ドラグ・ショベル | Drag shovel | Chinese (2min.53sec.) |
Vietnamese (3min.22sec.) |
Indonesian (2min.42sec.) |
English (2min.47sec.) |
杭打ち・杭抜き機 | Pile drivers and pile extractors | Chinese (2min.05sec.) |
Vietnamese (2min.38sec.) |
Indonesian (1min.53sec.) |
English (2min.00sec.) |
コンクリートポンプ車 | Concrete pumps | Chinese (2min.51sec.) |
Vietnamese (3min.10sec.) |
Indonesian (2min.33sec.) |
English (2min.40sec.) |
ダンプ・トラック | Dump trucks | Chinese (2min.32sec.) |
Vietnamese (2min.59sec.) |
Indonesian (2min.22sec.) |
English (2min.35sec.) |
移動式クレーン | Mobile cranes | Chinese (2min.49sec.) |
Vietnamese (3min.23sec.) |
Indonesian (2min.45sec.) |
English (2min.33sec.) |
ユニック・カーゴクレーン | UNIC cargo cranes | Chinese (1min.49sec.) |
Vietnamese (2min.13sec.) |
Indonesian (1min.43sec.) |
English (1min.51sec.) |
玉掛け作業 | Rigging operations | Chinese (6min.14sec.) |
Vietnamese (6min.10sec.) |
Indonesian (5min.58sec.) |
English (5min.54sec.) |
Ⅴ.手工具での作業の留意点 | V. Points to remember in working with hand tools | ||||
C | V | I | E | ||
丸のこ | Circular saws | Chinese (2min.02sec.) |
Vietnamese (2min.32sec.) |
Indonesian (2min.13sec.) |
English (2min.08sec.) |
電気ドリル | Electric drills | Chinese (2min.26sec.) |
Vietnamese (3min.14sec.) |
Indonesian (2min.27sec.) |
English (2min.27sec.) |
グラインダー | Grinders | Chinese (2min.09sec.) |
Vietnamese (2min.24sec.) |
Indonesian (2min.06sec.) |
English (1min.58sec.) |
インパクトレンチ | Impact wrenches | Chinese (1min.33sec.) |
Vietnamese (2min.03sec.) |
Indonesian (1min.31sec.) |
English (1min.31sec.) |
Ⅵ.感電災害の防止 | VI. Prevention of electrocution hazards | ||||
C | V | I | E | ||
仮設照明 | Temporary lighting | Chinese (2min.07sec.) |
Vietnamese (2min.22sec.) |
Indonesian (1min.57sec.) |
English (2min.06sec.) |
架空電線近接作業 | Working near overhead power lines | Chinese (2min.09sec.) |
Vietnamese (2min.25sec.) |
Indonesian (2min.17sec.) |
English (2min.09sec.) |
溶接作業 | Welding work | Chinese (2min.59sec.) |
Vietnamese (3min.21sec.) |
Indonesian (2min.47sec.) |
English (2min.44sec.) |
Ⅶ.火災・爆発による災害の防止 | VII. Prevention of fires and explosions | ||||
C | V | I | E | ||
ガス溶接・溶断作業 | Gas welding and cutting work | Chinese (2min.44sec.) |
Vietnamese (3min.12sec.) |
Indonesian (2min.39sec.) |
English (2min.41sec.) |
発泡プラスチック系断熱材付近での作業 | Working near foamed plastic insulation | Chinese (1min.40sec.) |
Vietnamese (2min.01sec.) |
Indonesian (1min.42sec.) |
English (1min.46sec.) |
危険物取扱作業 | Handling hazardous materials | Chinese (1min.17sec.) |
Vietnamese (1min.35sec.) |
Indonesian (1min.17sec.) |
English (1min.21sec.) |
Ⅷ.業務上疾病の予防 | VIII. Prevention of occupational diseases | ||||
C | V | I | E | ||
有機溶剤作業 | Working with organic solvents | Chinese (2min.35sec.) |
Vietnamese (2min.46sec.) |
Indonesian (2min.41sec.) |
English (2min.41sec.) |
酸素欠乏症等の作業 | Working where there is a danger of oxygen deficiency | Chinese (2min.42sec.) |
Vietnamese (3min.03sec.) |
Indonesian (2min.40sec.) |
English (2min.49sec.) |
粉じん作業 | Dusty work | Chinese (2min.29sec.) |
Vietnamese (2min.33sec.) |
Indonesian (2min.19sec.) |
English (2min.22sec.) |
振動障害危険作業 | Work with a risk of vibration disorder | Chinese (2min.12sec.) |
Vietnamese (2min.22sec.) |
Indonesian (2min.09sec.) |
English (2min.19sec.) |
騒音障害危険作業 | Work with a risk of noise injury | Chinese (1min.32sec.) |
Vietnamese (1min.45sec.) |
Indonesian (1min.36sec.) |
English (1min.30sec.) |
熱中症 | Heatstroke | Chinese (2min.07sec.) |
Vietnamese (2min.14sec.) |
Indonesian (2min.05sec.) |
English (2min.07sec.) |
〜建設工事現場における代表的な労働災害事例〜 | Typical Labor Accidents at Construction Sites | ||||
Ⅰ.墜落・転落 | I. Fall from height | ||||
C | V | I | E | ||
筋かいが外されている場所で、安全帯を使用していなかったため墜落 | Fall due to not wearing a safety belt in an area where a brace was removed | Chinese (4min.33sec.) |
Vietnamese (4min.24sec.) |
Indonesian (5min.02sec.) |
English (4min.40sec.) |
手すり先行足場の組立作業中5段目から墜落 | Fall from 5th level during assembly of handrail presetting-type scaffolding | Chinese (3min.14sec.) |
Vietnamese (3min.09sec.) |
Indonesian (3min.26sec.) |
English (3min.14sec.) |
外部足場解体中、4段目から約5.5m墜落 | A fall of approximately 5.5 meters from 4th level during disassembly of external scaffolding | Chinese (4min.15sec.) |
Vietnamese (4min.15sec.) |
Indonesian (4min.21sec.) |
English (4min.24sec.) |
養生用枠組足場を大払しする作業で、足場上から墜落 | A fall from scaffolding during work to disassemble framework scaffolding for protective covering | Chinese (4min.18sec.) |
Vietnamese (4min.14sec.) |
Indonesian (4min.17sec.) |
English (4min.21sec.) |
ビル解体用足場材をロープにて荷降し中、既存建屋から墜落 | A fall from an existing building while lowering scaffolding materials for building demolition with a rope | Chinese (4min.36sec.) |
Vietnamese (4min.38sec.) |
Indonesian (4min.57sec.) |
English (4min.31sec.) |
手すりのない躯体端部で作業中に安全帯不使用で墜落 | Fall due to not wearing a safety belt while working on the edge of a frame with no handrail | Chinese (3min.17sec.) |
Vietnamese (3min.16sec.) |
Indonesian (3min.35sec.) |
English (3min.33sec.) |
インサートにつまづき、ずれたデッキとともに4.5m墜落 | 4.5meter fall with deck that slipped out of position after tripping on an insert | Chinese (4min.02sec.) |
Vietnamese (3min.49sec.) |
Indonesian (3min.50sec.) |
English (3min.58sec.) |
鉄骨建て方作業中にとび工が墜落 | Fall of worker during steel frame erection work | Chinese (3min.34sec.) |
Vietnamese (3min.49sec.) |
Indonesian (3min.51sec.) |
English (3min.47sec.) |
開口部に敷かれていたベニヤ板を踏み抜き墜落 | A fall through a Plywood board laid over an opening | Chinese (4min.39sec.) |
Vietnamese (4min.45sec.) |
Indonesian (4min.40sec.) |
English (4min.37sec.) |
手すりが撤去されていた開口部から墜落 | Fall from an opening from which the handrail had been removed | Chinese (4min.12sec.) |
Vietnamese (4min.17sec.) |
Indonesian (4min.17sec.) |
English (4min.16sec.) |
開口部養生の単管手すりを取り付け中、単管手すりが外れて墜落 | Fall when tube handrail came off during installation of tube handrail for opening covering | Chinese (4min.21sec.) |
Vietnamese (4min.32sec.) |
Indonesian (4min.50sec.) |
English (4min.23sec.) |
工場解体中、屋根を踏み抜き墜落 | Fall from losing footing on the roof during plant demolition work | Chinese (4min.04sec.) |
Vietnamese (4min.13sec.) |
Indonesian (4min.25sec.) |
English (4min.05sec.) |
可搬式作業台を使用して電気配管作業中、天板部から墜落 | Fall from top platform during electricity conduit work using portable work bench | Chinese (5min.34sec.) |
Vietnamese (5min.29sec.) |
Indonesian (5min.54sec.) |
English (5min.38sec.) |
可搬式作業台で躯体面を補修中に転落 | Fall while repairing framework on a portable work bench | Chinese (3min.37sec.) |
Vietnamese (3min.40sec.) |
Indonesian (3min.58sec.) |
English (3min.38sec.) |
天井面の配線区画処理作業中に、はしごから墜落 | Fall from a ladder during work on ceiling surface wiring compartment | Chinese (4min.13sec.) |
Vietnamese (4min.27sec.) |
Indonesian (4min.18sec.) |
English (4min.08sec.) |
電工が天井内配線中に脚立から転落 | Fall from stepladder while electrician was working on ceiling wiring | Chinese (4min.45sec.) |
Vietnamese (5min.17sec.) |
Indonesian (5min.09sec.) |
English (4min.33sec.) |
運転手が自分が運転したブルドーザーに轢かれた | Driver was run over by the bulldozer he was driving | Chinese (3min.14sec.) |
Vietnamese (3min.16sec.) |
Indonesian (3min.14sec.) |
English (3min.07sec.) |
Ⅱ.はさまれ・巻き込まれ | II. Caught in/between | ||||
C | V | I | E | ||
ドラグ・ショベルの旋回内に入り、構台の手すりの間に挟まれた | Entered inside the drag shovel's turning radius and got wedged between the gantry handrail | Chinese (3min.42sec.) |
Vietnamese (3min.26sec.) |
Indonesian (3min.47sec.) |
English (3min.48sec.) |
斜路上でトラックを止めようとして、ユニック車との間に挟まれた | Victim was wedged between truck and UNIC truck crane, trying to stop the truck on a slope | Chinese (4min.18sec.) |
Vietnamese (4min.05sec.) |
Indonesian (4min.21sec.) |
English (4min.04sec.) |
後進してきたドラグ・ショベルのカウンターウエイトに接触転倒しキャタピラに轢かれた | Contact with counterweight of reversing drag shovel, fall, and run over by caterpillar track | Chinese (4min.50sec.) |
Vietnamese (4min.37sec.) |
Indonesian (4min.43sec.) |
English (4min.40sec.) |
ローラーの後進時に巻き込まれた | Victim was caught when roller reversed | Chinese (3min.25sec.) |
Vietnamese (3min.24sec.) |
Indonesian (3min.33sec.) |
English (3min.18sec.) |
高所作業車の手すりと鉄骨の間に挟まれ窒息 | Wedged and suffocated between the handrail of a boom lift and a steel frame | Chinese (3min.48sec.) |
Vietnamese (4min.19sec.) |
Indonesian (4min.10sec.) |
English (3min.33sec.) |
Ⅲ.飛来・落下 | III. Struck by flying or falling object | ||||
C | V | I | E | ||
解体作業中にコンクリート片が飛来して片付け中の作業員に当たる | A piece of concrete flew off during demolition work, striking a worker who was clearing up | Chinese (3min.50sec.) |
Vietnamese (3min.45sec.) |
Indonesian (3min.39sec.) |
English (4min.09sec.) |
吊荷のパイプサポートが抜けて落下し被災者に直撃した | A suspended load of pipe supports came out, fell and directly struck the victim | Chinese (4min.13sec.) |
Vietnamese (4min.06sec.) |
Indonesian (4min.09sec.) |
English (4min.16sec.) |
コンクリート圧送配管からコンクリートが噴き出し、顔面を直撃 | Concrete sprayed out from concrete pumping transfer pipe and struck victim directly in face | Chinese (3min.40sec.) |
Vietnamese (3min.34sec.) |
Indonesian (3min.51sec.) |
English (4min.04sec.) |
型枠用単管パイプが落下し下敷きになった | Tube pipes for formwork fell and victim was crushed beneath them | Chinese (4min.08sec.) |
Vietnamese (3min.53sec.) |
Indonesian (4min.23sec.) |
English (3min.58sec.) |
Ⅳ.倒壊・崩壊 | IV. Collapse | ||||
C | V | I | E | ||
積荷が荷崩れし、積荷の下敷きになった | A load fell and the victim was crushed beneath the load | Chinese (4min.04sec.) |
Vietnamese (4min.13sec.) |
Indonesian (4min.07sec.) |
English (3min.57sec.) |
矢板をいれていない土壁際で鉄筋を切断中、土が被災者に崩れ落ちた | Soil caved in on the victim while he was cutting rebars beside a soil wall where no sheet piles were installed | Chinese (4min.00sec.) |
Vietnamese (4min.12sec.) |
Indonesian (4min.26sec.) |
English (4min.06sec.) |
解体中のブロック塀と外壁の間に解体工が挟まれた | Demolition worker wedged between a concrete block wall and exterior wall during disassembly | Chinese (4min.02sec.) |
Vietnamese (4min.05sec.) |
Indonesian (3min.49sec.) |
English (4min.14sec.) |
地組していた柱筋が倒壊して下敷きになった | Columns for which basic assembly was underway collapsed and victim was crushed underneath | Chinese (3min.18sec.) |
Vietnamese (2min.55sec.) |
Indonesian (3min.06sec.) |
English (3min.12sec.) |
Ⅴ.その他 | V. Other | ||||
C | V | I | E | ||
照明器具の配線接続作業で感電 | Electric shock during wiring connection work for lighting fixture | Chinese (3min.41sec.) |
Vietnamese (3min.45sec.) |
Indonesian (4min.11sec.) |
English (3min.42sec.) |
ウレタン撤去作業中、ガス配管を切断した時にウレタンに引火 | Ignition of urethane when gas pipe cut during urethane removal work | Chinese (3min.22sec.) |
Vietnamese (3min.27sec.) |
Indonesian (3min.36sec.) |
English (3min.23sec.) |
防水工が作業終了後、宿舎に戻ってから熱中症を発症した | Waterproofing worker developed heatstroke after finishing work and returning to dormitory | Chinese (4min.39sec.) |
Vietnamese (4min.57sec.) |
Indonesian (5min.13sec.) |
English (4min.58sec.) |
密閉した部屋で発電機を使用して一酸化炭素中毒 | Carbon monoxide poisoning using a generator in a closed room | Chinese (3min.35sec.) |
Vietnamese (3min.52sec.) |
Indonesian (3min.46sec.) |
English (3min.38sec.) |
エレベーター内で内装材張り替え中に有機溶剤中毒 | Organic solvent poisoning during replacement of interior materials inside an elevator | Chinese (3min.37sec.) |
Vietnamese (4min.10sec.) |
Indonesian (3min.56sec.) |
English (3min.46sec.) |