The information collected by the JICOSH , the former international center of JISHA, is available here, though it has not been updated:
All data of fatal & non-fatal accidents in Japan in 2022 (Excel 8,955KB)
note: Covid-19 were excluded from the data.
data source: (Japanese language)
A | Prefecture | 県 |
1 | Hokkaido | 北海道 |
2 | Aomori | 青森 |
3 | Iwate | 岩手 |
4 | Miyagi | 宮城 |
5 | Akita | 秋田 |
6 | Yamagata | 山形 |
7 | Fukushima | 福島 |
8 | Ibaraki | 茨城 |
9 | Tochigi | 栃木 |
10 | Gunma | 群馬 |
11 | Saitama | 埼玉 |
12 | Chiba | 千葉 |
13 | Tokyo | 東京 |
14 | Kanagawa | 神奈川 |
15 | Niigata | 新潟 |
16 | Toyama | 富山 |
17 | Ishikawa | 石川 |
18 | Fukui | 福井 |
19 | Yamanashi | 山梨 |
20 | Nagano | 長野 |
21 | Gifu | 岐阜 |
22 | Shizuoka | 静岡 |
23 | Aichi | 愛知 |
24 | Mie | 三重 |
25 | Shiga | 滋賀 |
26 | Kyoto | 京都 |
27 | Osaka | 大阪 |
28 | Hyogo | 兵庫 |
29 | Nara | 奈良 |
30 | Wakayama | 和歌山 |
31 | Tottori | 鳥取 |
32 | Shimane | 島根 |
33 | Okayama | 岡山 |
34 | Hiroshima | 広島 |
35 | Yamaguchi | 山口 |
36 | Tokushima | 徳島 |
37 | Kagawa | 香川 |
38 | Ehime | 愛媛 |
39 | Kochi | 高知 |
40 | Fukuoka | 福岡 |
41 | Saga | 佐賀 |
42 | Nagasaki | 長崎 |
43 | Kumamoto | 熊本 |
44 | Oita | 大分 |
45 | Miyazaki | 宮崎 |
46 | Kagoshima | 鹿児島 |
47 | Okinawa | 沖縄 |
H | Middle nature of Injury or Disease | 傷病性質(中分類) |
1 | Injury | 負傷 |
2 | Disease resulting from work-related injury | 業務上の負傷に起因する疾病 |
3 | Disease due to physical factors | 物理的因子による疾病 |
4 | Disease resulting from work conditions that place excessive burden on the body | 身体に過度の負担がかかる作業様態に起因する疾病 |
5 | Disease due to chemical substances, etc. | 化学物質等による疾病 |
6 | Disease due to absorption of dust | 粉じんの吸収による疾病 |
7 | Disease due to pathogens such as bacteria and viruses | 細菌、ウィルス等の病原体による疾病 |
8 | Disease due to carcinogenic substances, carcinogenic factors, or work in carcinogenic processes | がん原性物質若しくはがん原性因子又はがん原性工程における業務 |
9 | Cerebrovascular disease, heart disease, etc. due to excessive work | 過重な業務による脳血管疾患・心臓疾患等 |
10 | Mental disorders due to jobs with strong psychological load | 強い心理的負荷を伴う業務による精神障害 |
11 | Other diseases clearly attributable to work | その他の業務に起因することの明らかな疾病 |
12 | Others | その他 |
I | Small nature of Injury or disease | 傷病性質(小分類) |
1 | Fracture | 骨折 |
2 | Amputation | 切断 |
3 | Disorders of joints (including sprains, subluxations and dislocations) | 関節の障害(捻挫、亜脱臼及び転位を含む) |
4 | Contusions (including skin exfoliation, abrasions, contusions, and hematomas) | 打撲傷(皮膚の剥離、擦過傷、挫傷及び血腫を含む) |
5 | Wounds (including cuts, lacerations, puncture wounds and contusions) | 創傷(切創、裂創、刺創及び挫滅傷を含む) |
6 | Traumatic spinal cord injuries | 外傷性の脊髄損傷 |
7 | Head and neck trauma syndrome (so-called "whiplash") | 頭頸部外傷症候群(いわゆる「むち打ち症」) |
8 | Burns (excluding burns from jobs involving the handling of high-heat objects) | 火傷(高熱物体を取り扱う業務による火傷を除く) |
12 | Electric shock, drowning, suffocation, etc. | 感電、溺水、窒息等 |
13 | Intracranial disease due to head or facial injuries | 頭部又は顔面部の負傷による頭蓋内疾患 |
14 | Disease of skin, muscles, bones and organs due to injuries of the nervous system | 神経系の負傷による皮膚、筋肉、骨及び臓器等の疾患 |
17 | Disease of thorax and abdominal organs due to injuries of chest or abdomen | 胸部又は腹部の負傷による胸腹部臓器の疾患 |
18 | Back pain due to injury | 負傷による腰痛 |
19 | Non-infectious disease due to injuries of extremities other than back pain due to injury | 負傷による腰痛以外の四肢等の負傷による非感染症疾患 |
20 | Bacterial infection such as tetanus due to injury to skin, etc. | 皮膚等の負傷による破傷風等の細菌感染症 |
21 | Disease of eye and other organs due to intrusion or residue of foreign substances | 異物の侵入、残留等による眼疾患その他の臓器の疾患 |
23 | Disease of the ear due to wind pressure, sound, etc. caused by explosions, etc. | 爆発等による風圧、音響等に起因する耳の疾患 |
24 | Disease due to work-related injuries (others) | 業務上の負傷に起因する疾病(その他) |
25 | Anterior eye disease or skin disease due to jobs exposed to ultraviolet rays | 紫外線にさらされる業務による眼前部疾患又は皮膚疾患 |
26 | Eye disease or skin disease due to jobs exposed to ultraviolet rays | 紫外線にさらされる業務による眼疾患又は皮膚疾患 |
27 | Eye or skin disease due to jobs exposed to laser rays | レーザー光線にさらされる業務による眼疾患又は皮膚疾患 |
31 | Caisson disease or diver's disease due to jobs related to high-pressure room work or diving work | 高圧室内作業又は潜水作業に係る業務による潜函症又は潜水病 |
32 | Mountain sickness or aviation decompression sickness due to jobs performed in places with low atmospheric pressure | 気圧の低い場所における業務による高山病又は航空減圧症 |
33 | Heat stroke due to jobs in hot places | 暑熱な場所における業務による熱中症 |
34 | Burns due to jobs involving the handling of high-heat objects | 高熱物体を取り扱う業務による熱傷 |
35 | Frostbite due to jobs in cold places or handling cold objects | 寒冷な場所における業務又は低温物体を取り扱う業務による凍傷 |
36 | Hearing loss or other ailments of the ear due to jobs in places where significant noise is generated | 著しい騒音を発する場所における業務による難聴等の耳の疾患 |
39 | Disease due to physical factors (others) | 物理的因子による疾病(その他) |
40 | Muscular or other disease or prolapse of internal organs (excluding lumbago) due to strenuous work | 重激な業務による筋肉等の疾患又は内臓脱(腰痛を除く) |
41 | Back pain due to jobs that place excessive strain on the lower back not attributable to the injury | 負傷に起因しない腰部に過度の負担のかかる業務による腰痛 |
42 | Vibration disorder | 振動障害 |
43 | Cramps of fingers, etc. due to jobs that excessively strain the upper limbs | 上肢に過度に負担のかかる業務による手指の痙攣等 |
44 | Inflammation of tendon sheaths, etc. due to jobs that excessively stress the upper limbs | 上肢に過度に負担のかかる業務による腱鞘等の炎症 |
45 | Cervico-omo-brachial syndrome due to work that excessively stresses the upper extremities | 上肢に過度に負担のかかる業務による頸肩腕症候群 |
46 | Disease (others) caused by work styles that excessively burden the upper limbs | 上肢に過度に負担のかかる作業態様に起因する疾病(その他) |
47 | Disease specified by the Minister of Labor due to jobs that expose workers to chemical substances, etc. | 化学物質等にさらされる業務による労働大臣の定める疾病 |
49 | Inflammation of mucous membrane due to jobs exposed to thermal decomposition products of synthetic resins, etc. | 合成樹脂の熱分解生成物にさらされる業務による粘膜の炎症等 |
50 | Skin disease due to jobs exposed to soot, etc. | すす等にさらされる業務による皮膚疾患 |
53 | Respiratory disease due to jobs in places where dust from asbestos, etc. is dispersed | 落綿等の粉じんを飛散させる場所における業務による呼吸器疾患 |
54 | Oxygen deficiency disease due to jobs in places with low oxygen concentration in the air | 空気中の酸素濃度の低い場所における業務による酸素欠乏症 |
55 | Disease due to jobs exposed to chemical substances (others) | 化学物質にさらされる業務による疾病(その他) |
56 | Pneumoconiosis or pneumoconiosis complications | じん肺又はじん肺合併症 |
60 | Infectious disease due to jobs involving the handling of animals or animal products, etc. | 動物又は動物性のもの等を取り扱う業務による伝染性疾患 |
61 | Leptospirosis such as Weil's disease due to jobs in wet areas | 湿潤地における業務によるワイル病等のレプトスピラ症 |
62 | Tsutsugamushi disease due to outdoor jobs | 屋外における業務による恙虫病 |
63 | Disease due to jobs exposed to pathogens (others) | 病原体をさらされる業務による疾病(その他) |
71 | Lung cancer or mesothelioma due to jobs exposed to asbestos | 石綿にさらされる業務による肺がん又は中皮腫 |
92 | Disease due to jobs exposed to carcinogenic substances (others) | がん原性物質等にさらされる業務による疾病(その他) |
93 | Other job-related diseases that are clearly attributable to work | その他の業務に起因することの明らかな疾病 |
95 | Cerebrovascular disease, heart disease, etc. due to excessive work | 過重な業務による脳血管疾患・心臓疾患等 |
96 | Mental disorder due to jobs with strong psychological load | 強い心理的負荷を伴う業務による精神障害 |
99 | others | その他 |
J | Small injured body part | 傷病部位(小分類) | Large code | Large injured body part | 傷病部位(大分類) |
11 | Cranial area | 頭蓋部 | 1 | Head | 頭部 |
12 | Eye | 眼 | |||
13 | Ear | 耳 | |||
14 | Mouth | 口 | |||
15 | Nose | 鼻 | |||
16 | Face | 顔 | |||
18 | Multiple sites in the head | 頭部中の複合部位 | |||
19 | Unknown part of head | 頭部で部位不明のもの | |||
21 | Neck | 頚部 | 2 | Neck | 頚部 |
31 | Back | 背部 | 3 | Body | 胴体 |
32 | Thorax | 胸部 | |||
33 | Abdomen | 腹部 | |||
34 | Pelvic region | 骨盤部 | |||
38 | Composite parts of the torso | 胴体中の複合部位 | |||
39 | Unknown site in torso | 胴体で部位不明のもの | |||
41 | Shoulder | 肩 | 4 | Upper Limb | 上肢 |
42 | upper arm | 上膊 | |||
43 | elbow | ひじ | |||
44 | forearm | 前膊 | |||
45 | wrist | 手首 | |||
46 | hand | 手 | |||
47 | fingers | 指 | |||
48 | Combined sites in the upper extremity | 上肢中の複合部位 | |||
49 | Unknown site in the upper extremity | 上肢で部位不明のもの | |||
51 | Gluteal region (buttocks) | 臀部(しり) | 5 | Lower limbs | 下肢 |
52 | Thigh | もも | |||
53 | Knee | ひざ | |||
54 | Shin | すね | |||
55 | Ankle | 足首 | |||
56 | Foot | 足 | |||
57 | Toes | 足指 | |||
58 | Combined sites in the lower extremity | 下肢中の複合部位 | |||
59 | Lower extremity with unknown site | 下肢で部位不明のもの | |||
61 | Head and torso, head and limb | 頭部と胴体、頭部と肢体 | 6 | Compound parts | 複合部位 |
62 | Torso and limb | 胴体と肢体 | |||
63 | Upper limb and lower limb | 上肢と下肢 | |||
68 | Other compound sites | その他の複合部位 | |||
69 | Compound site unknown | 複合部位不明のもの | |||
71 | Circulatory system | 循環器系統 | 7 | General Injury | 一般的傷病 |
72 | Respiratory system | 呼吸器系統 | |||
73 | Digestive system | 消化器系統 | |||
74 | Nervous system | 神経系統 | |||
78 | Other general injuries and disease | その他の一般的傷病 | |||
79 | General Injury/disease unknown | 一般的傷病不明のもの | |||
99 | Injury or disease site unknown | 傷病部位不明のもの | 9 | Unknown | 部位不明 |
K | Absent period | 休業期間 |
1 | More than 4 days but less than 2 weeks | 4日以上2週未満 |
2 | More than 2 weeks but less than 1 month | 2週以上1月未満 |
3 | More than 1 month but less than 3 months | 1月以上3月未満 |
4 | More than 3 months but less than 6 months | 3月以上6月未満 |
5 | More than 6 months | 6月以上 |
6 | Death | 死亡 |
L | Worker's age |
1 | ~19 |
2 | 20~24 |
3 | 25~29 |
4 | 30~34 |
5 | 35~39 |
6 | 40~44 |
7 | 45~49 |
8 | 50~54 |
9 | 55~59 |
10 | 60~64 |
11 | 65~69 |
12 | 70~74 |
13 | 75~ |
O | Years of experience | 経験年数 |
1 | Less than 1 year | 1年未満 |
2 | More than 1 year but less than 3 years | 1年以上3年未満 |
3 | More than 3 years but less than 5 years | 3年以上5年未満 |
4 | More than 5 years but less than 10 years | 5年以上10年未満 |
5 | More than 10 years but less than 20 years | 10年以上20年未満 |
6 | More than 20 years but less than 30 years | 20年以上30年未満 |
7 | More than 30 years | 30年以上 |