• Recent Main Guests from abroad


Recent Main Guests from abroad

  1. Industrial Safety and Health Association of Taiwan (ISHA) in September, 2023
  2. Korea Environmental Corporation (KECO) in July, 2023
  3. Korea Communications Agency (KCA) in July, 2023
  4. Goseong Newspaper, South Gyeongsang, South Korea in May, 2023
  5. APAC Representative, G+ (Global Offshore Wind Health & Safety Organisation) in March, 2023
  6. A financial reporter, Money Today, South Korea in December, 2022
  7. Industrial Safety and Health Association of Taiwan (ISHA) in October, 2019
  8. Mr. Alan Stevens, IOSH, UK in July, 2019
  9. Students of Taiwan Chang Jung Christian University in June, 2019
  10. Mr. Hans-Horst Konkolewsky, Secretary General, ISSA in November, 2018
  11. 7 members of China-Japan Project for Improvement of Diagnosis of Asbestos-related Cancer in November, 2018
  12. Industrial Safety and Health Association of Taiwan (ISHA) in October, 2018
  13. OSH Media Development Department, Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA) in September, 2018
  14. Department of Labor, Taoyuan City Government and Labour Unions in Taoyuan City, Taiwan in June 2018
  15. Industrial Safety and Health Association of Taiwan (ISHA) in November, 2017
  16. China Academy of Safety Science and Technology (CASST) in December, 2016
  17. Industrial Safety and Health Association of Taiwan (ISHA) in October, 2016
  18. Vice-Minister, Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (MOLSA), Iraq in November, 2015
  19. Industrial Safety and Health Association of Taiwan (ISHA) in October, 2015
  20. Fujian Safety Inspection Department, China in September, 2015
  21. Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA) in September, 2015
  22. China Occupational Safety and Health Association (COSHA) in June, 2015
  23. Kyungwoon University, Korea in January, 2015
  24. Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education & Training in October, 2014
  25. Industrial Safety and Health Association of Taiwan (ISHA) in October, 2014
  26. Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA) in September, 2014
  27. Safety and Health at Work Promotion Association (SHAWPAT), Thailand in September, 2014
  28. President, Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA) in August, 2014
  29. Department of Labour, Taiwan in August, 2014
  30. Safety and Environmental Protection Research Institute (SEPRI), China in June, 2014
  31. Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA) in April, 2014
  32. Safety and Health at Work Promotion Association (SHAWPAT) and Ministry of Labour, Thailand in November, 2013
  33. Industrial Safety and Health Association of Taiwan (ISHA) in October, 2013
  34. National Institute of Labour Protection, Vietnam in October, 2013
  35. Dalian city, China in August, 2013
  36. Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA) in July, 2013
  37. Industrial Safety and Health Association of Taiwan (ISHA) in June, 2013
  38. SK Energy, Korea in June, 2013
  39. Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA) in May, 2013
  40. Brazilian study group in December, 2012
  41. Hong Kong Occupational Safety and Health Council in November, 2012
  42. Korean study group in July, 2012
  43. Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA) in June, 2012
  44. Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA) in November, 2011
  45. Industrial Safety and Health Association of Taiwan (ISHA) in October, 2011
  46. Professor, American Virginia Engineering College in October, 2011
  47. Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA) in August, 2011
  48. Australian National Safety Council in August, 2011
  49. Officials of Occupational Safety and Health Council, Hong Kong in July, 2011
  50. Professors, Korean Chunju University in July, 2011
  51. Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA) in April, 2011
  52. Officials of Occupational Safety and Health Council, Hong Kong in September, 2010
  53. JICA study group on occupational health conducted at University of Occupational and Environmental Health Japan in September, 2010
  54. Employers study group, sponsored by the Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship in September, 2010
  55. Secretary General, ISSA Mining Section, Germany in August, 2010
  56. Professor, Korean Chunju University in August, 2010
  57. Officer, National Fire Agency, Ministry of Interior, Taiwan in August, 2010
  58. Professors and students, Hong Kong Polytechnic University in June, 2010
  59. University students, Germany in June, 2010
  60. A team from a municipal government, Taiwan in December, 2009
  61. A team from Vietnam and Mongolia each in November, 2009, both of which were a study tour on the WHO project
  62. A team representing Korean Labour Ministry, visiting the Osaka OSH Service Center in October, 2009.
  63. Director, industrial Safety and Health Association of Taiwan (ISHA) in October, 2009
  64. Korean Industrial Health Association in September, 2009
  65. Commander, U.S. Air Force in September, 2009
  66. Vice Minister, Ministry of Labour invalids and Social Affairs, Vietnam in August, 2009
  67. President, Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA) in June, 2009
  68. China Academy of Safety Science & Technology in April, 2009
  69. The Capital University of Economics and Business, China in January, 2009
  70. Korea Industrial Safety Association in November, 2008
  71. Minister, Council of Labor Affairs, Taiwan in November, 2008
  72. Director, industrial Safety and Health Association of Taiwan (ISHA) in October, 2008
  73. Deputy Minister, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia in October, 2008
  74. Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA) in July, 2008
  75. Thai Senators in July, 2008
  76. Deputy President industrial Accident Prevention Association, Canada in July, 2008

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