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ユーロファウンド(Eurofound、生活労働条件改善欧州財団)の労働条件監視機関(European Working Conditions Observatory)が作業環境問題を専門的に取り扱う非営利任意団体であるプリベント(Prevent、スウェーデン企業連盟、スウェーデン労働組合連合及び交渉・協力評議会(the Council for Negotiation and Co-operation)の共同設立)が実施した報告書の概要を公表しているので紹介する。
スウェーデンの経営者の10人中の9人までが、良好な作業環境は企業の収益と競争力にとって重要であると信じている。新たに刊行された報告でも、作業環境問題は景気後退のなかでも経営者にとって高い優先事項となっており、また体系的な作業環境管理がスウェーデンの企業において活用されることが増加してきていることを示唆している。経営者と安全衛生労働者代表(Safety Representative)双方ともにストレスと作業負荷に対応する必要性を認識している。
Nine out of ten managers in Sweden believe a good working environment is important to companies' profitability and competitiveness. A newly published report also suggests that work environment issues are a high priority for managers despite the recession and this suggests that systematic work environment management is increasingly being used in Swedish companies. Managers and safety representatives agree on the need to counteract stress and high workload.
Prevent is an unincorporated bipartite association specialising in work environment issues. It is jointly owned by the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise Enterprise (Svenskt Naringsliv ), the Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO ) and the Council for Negotiation and Co-operation (PTK ).
Prevent has published a report based on a survey conducted in April 2012. A total of 554 safety representatives and 360 managers responded to questions about their current and future involvement with work environmental issues.
The results show that systematic work environment management appears to have increased dramatically in Sweden since the 1990s. In 2012, 88% of managers claimed that systematic work environment management was used in their company, compared to 45% in a similar study in 1996.
The survey further suggests that a good work environment was considered a key success factor for profitability. More specifically, 93% of the managers believe that a good working environment has a very large or quite large effect on a company's profitability.
Systematic work environment management involves the examination, implementation and follow-up of working processes in order to prevent health hazards and accidents at work. It also involves ensuring employees enjoy a satisfactory working environment.
The Swedish Work Environment Act (AFS 2001:1 ) states that every workplace is required to conduct systematic work environment management and this should be an integral part of the working day. Although its regulation is largely in the hands of public authorities, prime responsibility for the work environment rests with the employer.
Employees do have a significant role to play in work environment management, for example by reporting hazards, incidents, illness and accidents, suggesting measures to be taken and presenting viewpoints on what has been done already.
Improving the work environment also seems to be a key priority for the future. More than four out of ten safety representatives believe that the work environment will be of higher priority in their company in the future. The result seems to indicate that managers and safety officers agree on future challenges.
When asked to identify the most important safety issues from a list of 19 possible problems, both managers and safety representatives ranked overcoming stress and high workloads as the highest priorities over the next decade.
Overall, the result suggested that managers and safety representatives seem to have similar concerns about the work environment, but with a slightly different emphasis. Safety representatives ranked systematic work environment management as more important, while managers stressed the importance of issues surrounding equipment, tools and IT environment.
Maria Schonefeld, President of Prevent, believes that the need for well-being and healthy employees increases when competition between companies intensifies. She said both managers and safety representatives become more satisfied with the work environment in companies where time and knowledge are invested in those issues.
The survey suggests, however, that time and knowledge do seem to constitute the greatest challenges to successful work environment management according to the survey. Four out of ten safety delegates claimed that they did not have the necessary time, and three in ten that they lacked the skills needed to assess the working environment. The situation was similar for managers.
Prevent concluded that companies' desire to improve the work environment seems to be significant. Workplaces throughout the country wanting to move forward with improvements are advised to focus on previous success factors, such as identifying risks and actions, allocating sufficient time for work environmental issues and increasing knowledge among managers and safety delegates.
Emilia Johansson and Jenny Nordlow, Oxford Research