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Occupational Diseases List | 職業性疾病一覧 | ||
Appended Table 1-2, Ordinance for Enforcement of the Labor Standards Act | 労働基準法施行規則別表第一の二 (第三十五条関係) | ||
(i) Disease resulting from injuries incurred in the course of employment | 一 業務上の負傷に起因する疾病 | ||
(ii) The following disease due to physical factors: | 二 物理的因子による次に掲げる疾病 | ||
(a) Disease in the anterior part of the eye or skin disease due to work involving exposure to ultraviolet rays | 1 紫外線にさらされる業務による前眼部疾患又は皮膚疾患 | ||
(b) Eye disease such as retinal burn and cataract or skin disease due to work involving exposure to infrared rays | 2 赤外線にさらされる業務による網膜火傷、白内障等の眼疾患又は皮膚疾患 | ||
(c) Eye disease such as retinal burnor skin disease due to work involving exposure to laser beams | 3 レーザー光線にさらされる業務による網膜火傷等の眼疾患又は皮膚疾患 | ||
(d) Eye disease such as cataract due to work involving exposure to microwaves | 4 マイクロ波にさらされる業務による白内障等の眼疾患 | ||
(e) The following disease due to work involving exposure to ionizing radiation: radio dermatitis such as acute radiation disease and skin ulcer, eye disease due to radiation such as cataract, radiation fibrosis of the lung, hematopoietic disorder such as aplastic anemia, osteonecrosis, and other illness due to radiation | 5 電離放射線にさらされる業務による急性放射線症、皮膚潰瘍等の放射線皮膚障害、白内障等の放射線眼疾患、放射線肺炎、再生不良性貧血等の造血器障害、骨壊死その他の放射線障害 | ||
(f) Caisson disease or diver's disease due to work in high-pressure rooms or diving | 6 高圧室内作業又は潜水作業に係る業務による潜函病又は潜水病 | ||
(g) Mountain sickness or aircraft dysbarism due to work done in low- pressure places | 7 気圧の低い場所における業務による高山病又は航空減圧症 | ||
(h) Heat stroke due to work done in hot places | 8 暑熱な場所における業務による熱中症 | ||
(i) Burns due to work to handle extremely heated materials | 9 高熱物体を取り扱う業務による熱傷 | ||
(j) Frostbite due to work done in cold places or to handle cold materials | 10 寒冷な場所における業務又は低温物体を取り扱う業務による凍傷 | ||
(k) Hearing disability such as deafness due to work done in noisy places | 11 著しい騒音を発する場所における業務による難聴等の耳の疾患 | ||
(l) Necrosis such as of finger tissues due to work involving exposure to supersonic waves | 12 超音波にさらされる業務による手指等の組織壊死 | ||
(m) In addition to the disease prescribed in(a) to(l) inclusive their annexed disease and other disease which clearly result from work involving exposure to physical factors | 13 1から12までに掲げるもののほか、これらの疾病に付随する疾病その他物理的因子にさらされる業務に起因することの明らかな疾病 | ||
(iii) The following disease caused by a form of work which involve extreme physical tension: | 三 身体に過度の負担のかかる作業態様に起因する次に掲げる疾病 | ||
(a) Muscle, tendon, bone, or joint disease or prolapse of internal organs due to strenuous work | 1 重激な業務による筋肉、腱、骨若しくは関節の疾患又は内臓脱 | ||
(b) Low back pain due to work to handle heavy objects, those done in unnatural postures or others which involve excessive tension to low back | 2 重量物を取り扱う業務、腰部に過度の負担を与える不自然な作業姿勢により行う業務その他腰部に過度の負担のかかる業務による腰痛 | ||
(c) Peripheral circulatory disorder, peripheral nerve disorder, or motive organ disorder of fingers or forearm etc. due to work which vibrate the body due to use of equipment or machinery such as rock drill riveter, or chain saw | 3 さく岩機、鋲打ち機、チェーンソー等の機械器具の使用により身体に振動を与える業務による手指、前腕等の末梢循環障害、末梢神経障害又は運動器障害 | ||
(d) Motive organ disorder of the back of the head, neck, shoulder girdle, upper arm, forearm, or fingers due to work which require repeated input into a computer or other operation involving excessive tension on the upper limbs | 4 電子計算機への入力を反復して行う業務その他上肢しに過度の負担のかかる業務による後頭部、頸部、肩甲帯、上腕、前腕又は手指の運動器障害 | ||
(e) In addition to the illness listed in(a) to(d) inclusive their annexed disease and other that are clearly caused by work executed in ways which involve excessive tension to the body | 5 1から4までに掲げるもののほか、これらの疾病に付随する疾病その他身体に過度の負担のかかる作業態様の業務に起因することの明らかな疾病 | ||
(iv) The following disease due to chemical substances etc: | 四 化学物質等による次に掲げる疾病 | ||
(a) Disease designated by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare due to work involving exposure to simple chemical substances or compounds(including alloys) designated by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare | 1 厚生労働大臣の指定する単体たる化学物質及び化合物(合金を含む。)にさらされる業務による疾病であつて、厚生労働大臣が定めるもの | ||
(b) Inflammation of mucous membranes of the eyes or respiratory troubles such as inflammation of mucous membranes of the respiratory organs due to work involving exposure to pyrolytic products of synthetic resins such as of fluoric resin, vinyl chloride resin, or acrylic resin | 2 弗素樹脂、塩化ビニル樹脂、アクリル樹脂等の合成樹脂の熱分解生成物にさらされる業務による眼粘膜の炎症又は気道粘膜の炎症等の呼吸器疾患 | ||
(c) Skin disease due to work involving exposure to soot, mineral oil, lacquer, tar, cement, or amine type resin hardeners manufactured or some other equivalent | 3 すす、鉱物油、うるし、タール、セメント、アミン系の樹脂硬化剤等にさらされる業務による皮膚疾患 | ||
(d) Skin disease conjunctivitis, or respiratory disease such as rhinitis or asthma bronchiale due to work involving exposure to proteolytic enzymes | 4 蛋白分解酵素にさらされる業務による皮膚炎、結膜炎又は鼻炎、気管支喘息等の呼吸器疾患 | ||
(e) Respiratory disease such as allergic rhinitis or asthma bronchiale due to work done in places where particulate of lumber or fur or some other equivalent are scattered or those involving exposure to antibiotics or some other equivalent | 5 木材の粉じん、獣毛のじんあい等を飛散する場所における業務又は抗生物質等にさらされる業務によるアレルギー性の鼻炎、気管支喘息等の呼吸器疾患 | ||
(f) Respiratory disease due to work done in places where particulate of cotton waste or some other equivalent are scattered | 6 落綿等の粉じんを飛散する場所における業務による呼吸器疾患 | ||
(g) Benign asbestos pleural effusion or diffuse pleural thickening due to work involving exposure to asbestos | 7 石綿にさらされる業務による良性石綿胸水又はびまん性胸膜肥厚 | ||
(h) Anoxia due to work done in places with low oxygen content | 8 空気中の酸素濃度の低い場所における業務による酸素欠乏症 | ||
(i) In addition to the disease listed in(a) to(h) inclusive their annexed disease and other disease that are clearly caused by work involving exposure to chemical substances | 9 1から8までに掲げるもののほか、これらの疾病に付随する疾病その他化学物質等にさらされる業務に起因することの明らかな疾病 | ||
(v) Pneumoconiosis or disease listed in the items of Article 1 of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Pneumoconiosis Act(Ordinance No. 6 of the Ministry of, Labor 1960) which are complication of pneumoconiosis prescribed by the Pneumoconiosis Act(Act No. 30, 1960) due to work done in places where fine particulate is scattered. | 五 粉じんを飛散する場所における業務によるじん肺症又はじん肺法(昭和三十五年法律第三十号)に規定するじん肺と合併したじん肺法施行規則(昭和三十五年労働省令第六号)第一条各号に掲げる疾病 | ||
(vi) The following disease due to pathogens such as bacteria and viruses: | 六 細菌、ウイルス等の病原体による次に掲げる疾病 | ||
(a) Infectious diseases due to treating, nursing or caring patients or work to handle pathogens for research and other purposes | 1 患者の診療若しくは看護の業務、介護の業務又は研究その他の目的で病原体を取り扱う業務による伝染性疾患 | ||
(b) Infectious diseases such as brucellosis and anthrax due to work to handle animals and their carcasses, fur, hide, other animal materials, or rags and other old cloth | 2 動物若しくはその死体、獣毛、革その他動物性の物又はぼろ等の古物を取り扱う業務によるブルセラ症、炭疽病等の伝染性疾患 | ||
(c) Leptospirosis such as Weil disease due to work in damp places | 3 湿潤地における業務によるワイル病等のレプトスピラ症 | ||
(d) Tsutsugamushi disease due to outdoor work | 4 屋外における業務による恙虫病 | ||
(e) In addition to the disease listed in(a) to(d) inclusive their annexed disease and others that are clearly caused by work involving exposure to pathogens such as bacteria and viruses | 5 1から4までに掲げるもののほか、これらの疾病に付随する疾病その他細菌、ウイルス等の病原体にさらされる業務に起因することの明らかな疾病 | ||
(vii) The following disease due to carcinogen, carcinogenic agent, or work done in the carcinogenic processes: | 七 がん原性物質若しくはがん原性因子又はがん原性工程における業務による次に掲げる疾病 | ||
(a) Tumor of urinary tract due to work involving exposure to benzidine | 1 ベンジジンにさらされる業務による尿路系腫瘍 | ||
(b) Tumor of urinary tract due to work involving exposure to betanaphthylamine | 2 ベーターナフチルアミンにさらされる業務による尿路系腫瘍 | ||
(c) Tumor of urinary tract due to work involving exposure to 4-aminodiphenyl | 3 四―アミノジフェニルにさらされる業務による尿路系腫瘍 | ||
(d) Tumor of urinary tract due to work involving exposure to 4-nitrodiphenyl | 4 四―ニトロジフェニルにさらされる業務による尿路系腫瘍 | ||
(e) Lung cancer due to work involving exposure to bis(chloromethyl) ether | 5 ビス(クロロメチル)エーテルにさらされる業務による肺がん | ||
(f) Lung cancer due to work involving exposure to beryllium | 6 ベリリウムにさらされる業務による肺がん | ||
(g) Lung cancer due to work involving exposure to benzotrichloride | 7 ベンゾトリクロライドにさらされる業務による肺がん | ||
(h) Lung cancer or mesothelioma due to work involving exposure to asbestos | 8 石綿にさらされる業務による肺がん又は中皮腫 | ||
(i) Leukemia due to work involving exposure to benzene | 9 ベンゼンにさらされる業務による白血病 | ||
(j) Angiosarcoma of liver or hepatocellular carcinoma due to work involving exposure to vinyl chloride | 10 塩化ビニルにさらされる業務による肝血管肉腫又は肝細胞がん | ||
(k) Tumors of urinary tract due to work involving exposure to 3,3'-Dichloro-4,4'-diaminodiphenylmethane | 11 三,三‘−ジクロロ−四,四’−ジアミノジフェニルメタンにさらされる業務による尿路系腫瘍 | ||
(l) Bladder cancer due to work involving exposure to Ortho-toluidine | 12 オルト―トルイジンにさらされる業務による膀胱がん | ||
(m) Bile duct cancer due to work involving exposure to 1,2-dichloropropane | 13 一・二―ジクロロプロパンにさらされる業務による胆管がん | ||
(n) Bile duct cancer due to work involving exposure to dichloromethane | 14 ジクロロメタンにさらされる業務による胆管がん | ||
(o) Leukemia, lung cancer, skin cancer, osteosarcoma, thyroid carcinoma, multiple myeloma, or non-Hodgkin lymphoma due to work involving exposure to ionizing radiation | 15 電離放射線にさらされる業務による白血病、肺がん、皮膚がん、骨肉腫、甲状腺がん、多発性骨髄腫又は非ホジキンリンパ腫 | ||
(p) Tumors of urinary tract due to work the auramine manufacturing process | 16 オーラミンを製造する工程における業務による尿路系腫瘍 | ||
(q) Tumors of urinary tract due to work in the magenta manufacturing process | 17 マゼンタを製造する工程における業務による尿路系腫瘍 | ||
(r) Lung cancer due to work in the coke or producer gas manufacturing process | 18 コークス又は発生炉ガスを製造する工程における業務による肺がん | ||
(s) Lung cancer or cancer in the upper respiratory organs due to work in the chromate or bichromate manufacturing process | 19 クロム酸塩又は重クロム酸塩を製造する工程における業務による肺がん又は上気道のがん | ||
(t) Lung cancer or cancer in the upper respiratory organs due to work in the nickel smelting or refining process | 20 ニッケルの製錬又は精錬を行う工程における業務による肺がん又は上気道のがん | ||
(u) Lung or skin cancer due to work in the processes to manufacture or refine metals using ores containing arsenic or those in inorganic arsenic compounds in manufacturing process | 21 砒素を含有する鉱石を原料として金属の製錬若しくは精錬を行う工程又は無機砒素化合物を製造する工程における業務による肺がん又は皮膚がん | ||
(v) Skin cancer due to work involving exposure to soot, mineral oil, tar, pitch, asphalt, or paraffin | 22 すす、鉱物油、タール、ピッチ、アスファルト又はパラフィンにさらされる業務による皮膚がん | ||
(w) In addition to the disease listed in(a) to(v) inclusive their annexed disease and others that are clearly caused by work involving exposure to carcinogen, carcinogenic agent, or work done in the carcinogenic processes | 23 1から22までに掲げるもののほか、これらの疾病に付随する疾病その他がん原性物質若しくはがん原性因子にさらされる業務又はがん原性工程における業務に起因することの明らかな疾病 | ||
(viii) Cerebral hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage, cerebral infarction, hypertensive encephalopathy, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, cardiac arrest(including sudden cardiac death), severe heart failure or aortic dissection, or their annexed disease due to work which require extended hours of work over a long period of time or other work which significantly worsens a vascular lesion, etc. | 八 長期間にわたる長時間の業務その他血管病変等を著しく増悪させる業務による脳出血、くも膜下出血、脳梗塞、高血圧性脳症、心筋梗塞、狭心症、心停止(心臓性突然死を含む。)、重篤な心不全若しくは大動脈解離又はこれらの疾病に付随する疾病 | ||
(ix) A mental and behavioral disorder or their annexed disease due to life-threatening accidents or jobs involving excessive mental tension | 九 人の生命にかかわる事故への遭遇その他心理的に過度の負担を与える事象を伴う業務による精神及び行動の障害又はこれに付随する疾病 | ||
(x) In addition to the disease listed in the preceding items those designated by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare. | 十 前各号に掲げるもののほか、厚生労働大臣の指定する疾病 | ||
(xi) Other disease that is clearly caused by operations. | 十一 その他業務に起因することの明らかな疾病 | ||
(Reference) | (参考) | ||
Ordinance for Enforcement of the Labor Standards Act | 労働基準法施行規則 | ||
Article 35 The scope of illness in the course of employment under the provisions of paragraph(2) of Article 75 of the Act shall be shown in appended table 1-2. | 第三十五条 法第七十五条第二項の規定による業務上の疾病は、別表第一の二に掲げる疾病とする。 | ||
Labor Standards Act | 労働基準法 | ||
Chapter VIII Accident Compensation | 第八章 災害補償 | ||
(Medical Compensation) | (療養補償) | ||
Article 75(1) In the event that a Worker suffers an injury or illness in the course of employment, the Employer shall furnish necessary medical treatment at its expense, or shall bear the expense for necessary medical treatment. | 第七十五条 労働者が業務上負傷し、又は疾病にかかつた場合においては、使用者は、その費用で必要な療養を行い、又は必要な療養の費用を負担しなければならない。 | ||
(2) The scope of illnesses in the course of employment and of medical treatment under the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be established by Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. | 2 前項に規定する業務上の疾病及び療養の範囲は、厚生労働省令で定める。 | ||
(Compensation for Absence from Work) | (休業補償) | ||
Article 76(1) In the event that a Worker does not receive Wages because the Worker is unable to work by reason of medical treatment under the provisions of the preceding Article, the Employer shall pay compensation for said absence from work at the rate of 60 percent of the Worker's average Wage. | 第七十六条 労働者が前条の規定による療養のため、労働することができないために賃金を受けない場合においては、使用者は、労働者の療養中平均賃金の百分の六十の休業補償を行わなければならない。 | ||
(Original source) | (日本語データ) | ||
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