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国からの委託事業であった 「国際安全衛生センター(JICOSH)」 別ウィンドウが開きます が2008年3月末をもって廃止されました。 永らくのご利用ありがとうございました。 同センターのサイトに掲載されていた個別の情報については、中災防WEBサイトの国別分野別情報にリンクして取り込んでおります。


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仮番 略号 技能講習名 条文 英語名
1整地車両系建設機械(整地・運搬・積込み用及び掘削用)運転技能講習安衛則別表6Skill training course for operation of vehicle-type construction machines (for leveling ground, transport, loading and excavating)
2基礎車両系建設機械(基礎工事用)運転技能講習安衛則別表6Skill training course for operation of vehicle-type construction machines (for foundation work)
3解体車両系建設機械(解体用)運転技能講習安衛則別表6Skill training course for operation of vehicle-type construction machines (for demolition)
4不整不整地運搬車運転技能講習安衛則別表6Skill training course for operation of transporting vehicle on rough terrain
5高所高所作業車運転技能講習安衛則別表6Skill training course for operation of vehicle for work at height
6フォフオークリフト運転技能講習安衛則別表6Skill training course for forklift operation
7ショシヨベルローダー等運転技能講習安衛則別表6Skill training course for operation of shovel-loader, etc.
8玉掛玉掛け技能講習クレーン則246条Skill training course for sling work
9床ク床上操作式クレーン運転技能講習クレーン則244条Skill training course for floor-operated crane operation
10小ク小型移動式クレーン運転技能講習クレーン則245条Skill training course for light capacity mobile crane operation
11ガスガス溶接技能講習安衛則別表6Skill training course for gas welding
12コ破コンクリート破砕器作業主任者技能講習安衛則別表6Skill training course for operations chief of concrete breaking
13地山地山の掘削作業主任者技能講習2006年統合Skill training course for operations chief of excavating natural ground
14土止土止め支保工作業主任者技能講習2006年統合Skill training course for operations chief of shoring
15ず掘ずい道等の掘削等作業主任者技能講習安衛則別表6Skill training course for operations chief of lining of tunnel, etc.
16ず覆ずい道等の覆工作業主任者技能講習安衛則別表6Skill training course for operations chief of excavating tunnel, etc.
17型枠型枠支保工の組立て等作業主任者技能講習安衛則別表6Skill training course for operations chief of assembling, etc., of concrete form shoring
18足場足場の組立て等作業主任者技能講習安衛則別表6Skill training course for operations chief of assembling, etc., of scaffolding
19鉄骨建築物等の鉄骨の組立て等作業主任者技能講習安衛則別表6Skill training course for operations chief of erection, etc., of steel frame of buildings, etc.
20コ解コンクリート造の工作物の解体等作業主任者技能講習安衛則別表6Skill training course for operations chief of demolition, etc., of concrete structures
21鋼橋鋼橋架設等作業主任者技能講習安衛則別表6Skill training course for operations chief of installing, etc., of steel bridge
22コ橋コンクリート橋架設等作業主任者技能講習安衛則別表6Skill training course for operations chief of installing, etc., of concrete bridge
23採石採石のための掘削作業主任者技能講習安衛則別表6Skill training course for operations chief of excavating work for quarrying
24木建木造建築物の組立て等作業主任者技能講習安衛則別表6Skill training course for operations chief of erection, etc., of wooden building
25はいはい作業主任者技能講習安衛則別表6Skill training course for operations chief of cargo piling
26船内船内荷役作業主任者技能講習安衛則別表6Skill training course for operations chief of stevedores
27ボ取ボイラー取扱技能講習ボイラー則122条Skill training course for operations of boilers
28ボ据ボイラー据付け工事作業主任者技能講習2006年廃止Skill training course for operations chief of installation work of boilers
29普圧普通第一種圧力容器取扱作業主任者技能講習ボイラー則123条Skill training course for operations chief of work handling ordinary first class pressure vessels
30化圧化学設備関係第一種圧力容器取扱作業主任者技能講習ボイラー則123条Skill training course for operations chief of work handling first class pressure vessels related to chemical facilities
31木材木材加工用機械作業主任者技能講習安衛則別表6Skill training course for operations chief of woodworking machines
32プレプレス機械作業主任者技能講習安衛則別表6Skill training course for operations chief of press machines
33乾燥乾燥設備作業主任者技能講習安衛則別表6Skill training course for operations chief of industrial dryers
34酸欠酸素欠乏危険作業主任者技能講習酸欠則26条Skill training course for operations chief of hazardous work of oxygen deficiency
35酸硫酸素欠乏・硫化水素危険作業主任者技能講習酸欠則27条Skill training course for operations chief of hazardous work of oxygen deficiency and hydrogen sulfide
36特化特定化学物質等作業主任者技能講習特化則旧51条Skill training course for operations chief of specified chemical substances, etc.
37鉛 鉛作業主任者技能講習鉛則60条Skill training course for operations chief of lead
38四鉛四アルキル鉛等作業主任者技能講習四鉛則旧27条Skill training course for operations chief of tetraalkyl lead
39有機有機溶剤作業主任者技能講習有機則37条Skill training course for operations chief of organic solvent
40地土地山の掘削及び土止め支保工作業主任者技能講習安衛則別表6Skill training course for operations chief of excavating natural ground and shoring
41特四特定化学物質及び四アルキル鉛等作業主任者技能講習特化則51条Skill training course for operations chief of specified chemical substances and tetraalkyl lead
42石綿石綿作業主任者技能講習石綿則48-2条Skill training course for operations chief of asbestos

全ての働く人々に安全・健康を 〜Safe Work , Safe Life〜

〒108-0014 東京都港区芝5-35-2 安全衛生総合会館

  • 厚生労働省
  • 安全衛生マネジメントシステム審査センター
  • 安全衛生情報センター